How to Measure Parental Engagement

Parental engagement can help students succeed academically. Knowing how to measure your parental engagement levels should be an important part of your school-home strategy.

Schools can measure parental engagement in lots of different ways such as; parent surveys, attendance records, analytics or looking at key parental engagement indicators.

Just as student progress has to be evaluated to plan for future learning, parental engagement must be assessed to grow and maintain a strong school community. Doing so will ensure that as a school you can respond proactively and adapt to meet pupil needs.

How to Evaluate Parental Engagement?

There is no one right way to evaluate parental-engagement, but there are some basics that offer a good starting point.

  • Ask Parents: Run a survey every 4 to 6 months and ask for parent views. School-leaders can sometimes be fearful of negative responses, however, encouraging parents to share their views will help develop trust and faith in your school-leadership.
  • Use the Data: Many tools, including your School’s App, offer analytics and data-driven insights that tell you about your school’s engagement levels. Checking how often users visit your app, the average session duration or most visited features can be fantastic indicators. It is also a great way to provide supporting evidence during school inspections.
  • Know The 3 Indicators of Parental Engagement Indicators - answering a few simple questions is a reality check on parental engagement.

The 3 Parental Engagement Indicators

Ultimately, parental engagement can be broken down into three key segments; behaviour, emotion and awareness.

We have put together five simple questions that will help you to gauge these levels within the school.

  1. [Behavioural] Are parents participating in learning activities or school events?
  2. [Behavioural] Are parents interacting with other parents or teachers?
  3. [Emotional] Do parents feel a sense of belonging in your school?
  4. [Emotional] Do parents have a positive or negative attitude to your school?
  5. [Awareness] Are parents processing information, or do you have to frequently follow up on messages and communications?

Answering these questions helps us to get a better insight into parental engagement levels. When all segments are positive, we know that engagement levels are high.

It can be helpful to take a step back and to verify your responses by carrying out a parent survey. Creating a parent survey takes five minutes using your app’s form builder and can be shared with a notification.


Measuring parental engagement does not need to be as daunting as it seems. Nowadays, many tools offer analytics data which can help back you up in school inspections and build a thriving community. Combine by knowing your key indicators, and touching base with parents from time to time. First-hand feedback is invaluable and an important way to strengthen trust in school-leaderships whilst building bridges with parents.

Remember, you can also speak with one of our friendly School Solution Advisors free of charge, for help with your school’s community and parental engagement.